
Can you start by introducing yourself?

I started to work at La Redoute in January 2019 as a Project Manager.

I then officially moved as a DevOps Platform Manager. I previously worked at Capgemini (Infrastructure Coordinator) and IBM (Team Leader) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

I have a background in running and still have a dream to complete all the Marathon Majors.


What do you do as a DevOps Team Lead?

I lead a DevOps Engineer team, where we have an ambitious and challenging Roadmap to support our business transformation and acceleration. We articulate our priorities following the company’s business, technology, and cloud strategy.

I ensure the alignment between the Business and Platform priorities, working, for example, on our Cloud Adoption. In this role, I act in the organizational part, structuring the activities enabling the team to deliver the targets in line with La Redoute’s strategy.


What do you enjoy most here at La Redoute?

It motivated me to participate in a global transformation of becoming the preferred platform for the families, including the social aspects, and assume a European leadership.

We can also work with technologies and methodologies that are at the forefront of the market, increasing the various teams’ interests and the possibility to learn.

I also want to point out that working transversally between France and Portugal brings an exciting perspective and cultural mix.


Can you describe your teams in 3 words?

Teamwork, Innovation, Challenges.


What challenges do you encounter and enjoy solving regularly?

My biggest challenge has been to change the mindset of the teams. For example, the adoption of a work methodology, the implementation and design of new architectures.

Cope with the technological landscape and evolution is also a big challenge that we try to mitigate with training, workshops, and tech talks.


Which achievements are you most proud of?

Firstly, the implementation of an on-premise solution in our private Cloud, where we had the opportunity to acquire a lot of maturity and knowledge in the implemented technologies. We also evolve the mindset of the team and the team management practices. Today we are a team with a more agile mindset.

The adoption of public Cloud is also rewarding, with the new or migrated workload in the on-premises environment. We can ship faster and operate with more satisfying results in availability, time-to-market, and maintainability.


What is your axis of development and growth?

I think there are three main points that I should focus on, both for my development and the growth and my team.

Identify and evaluate technologies that will bring value to La Redoute.

Have monitoring and control with well-defined and appropriate metrics, even for people management and for technical leadership.

Actively participate in the strategic objective’s definition.


Any personal advice for someone looking for a similar role?

I see my position in 2 layers of performance.

The first one refers to people because we cannot forget that we work with people and for people. Being a leader of people requires a lot of skills to perceive emotions and human sensitivity. No matter how much we work with technology, we deal directly with humans, and we should never forget.

The second is the technical factor. For a long time, the companies believed and invested in a leader with more skills in management. Still,  companies began to realize that a leader with a technical profile can more quickly acquire trust and respect from the team because the new technologies’ dynamics and speed are forever changing. Being a leader with a more technological profile, you will support the team in every way.


With which La Redoute values do you feel most in line? Why? Can you give examples?


During my career, I learned that a true leader is one who leads by example and with boldness. This is one thing that I learned which La Redoute has done for more than 180 years.

It is what I convey to my team members and colleagues when we act with respect, ethics, professionalism. When we are aligned with the objectives and strategies, when we have the right measure to be bold, our leadership starts to influence and serve as a mirror and motivation for others. I think it is essential, especially to me as a leader, to stay ahead of it.


Why would you recommend working at La Redoute?

Redoute’s DNA already answers this: weaving bonds, setting, and spreading trends, leading by influence.

This is a potent DNA that fits in all areas of La Redoute and brings it to my reality. We are always weaving bonds, establishing new ways of working, connecting with everyone in a transversal way, either inside or outside Redoute. We are constantly pushing, looking for new technologies, trends, innovating, adapting, evolving. As a result, we turn out to be the influence that La Redoute can bring, being a pioneer in various actions, leading to excellence.

All of this enchants me and motivates me every day to wake up and come to work inspired. I know I will have opportunities to collaborate, grow and get feedback. For all these reasons and for so many others, I will certainly recommend La Redoute.
