Personal Data

Identity of the data controller

The data is collected by the company La Redoute SAS (simplified joint-stock company) with a share capital of €353,490,250, listed on the Register of Businesses and Trades of Lille-Métropole under number 477 180 186 Registered office: 57, Rue de Blanchemaille, 59100 Roubaix.

The website does not require personal registration from its visitors and such registration will not be necessary merely to view its pages.

However, as regards the information provision services (press zone and recruitment), internet users are invited to submit their details and e-mail address. The sole use that will be made of such data is for the service itself.

You are entitled to access, amend, correct or delete this data, pursuant to the Loi Informatique et Libertés (French Data Protection and Freedom of Information Law). If you wish to exercise this right, you should write to La Redoute – Service Relations Clients – 59081 Roubaix Cedex 2, stating your full name and address, e-mail address and, if possible, customer reference, to speed up the processing of your request.

Moreover, for the purposes of generating audience statistics, the website uses cookies. A cookie does not enable identification of internet users; however, it does record information concerning their navigation on a website (the pages viewed, the date and time of viewing, etc).

Google Inc. Google Analytics uses cookies, i.e. text files stored on your terminal, to help the website analyse its use by the users and generate statistics. The data generated by the cookies concerning your use of the site (including your IP address) is transmitted and stored by Google on servers located in the United States. Google uses this information to assess your use of the site, compile reports regarding site activity for the site editor and provide other services related to site activity and Internet use. Google may communicate this data to third parties if legally required to do so or when such third parties process the data on Google’s behalf, in particular the site editor. Google will not match your IP address with any other data it holds. You may deactivate the use of cookies by choosing the appropriate settings in your browser (see below). However, such deactivation may prevent the use of some of the site’s features. By using this website, you are granting your express consent for the processing of your personal data by Google under the conditions and for the reasons laid down above.
To view the Google confidentiality rules click here.

Google has subscribed to the ‘Safe Harbor Privacy Principles’ concerning data protection, drawn up by the US Trade Department. These guidelines, negotiated between the American authorities and the European Commission in 2001, are chiefly based on those of Directive 95/46 of 24 October 1995 and ensure adequate protection for data transfers from the European Union to companies established in the United States.

Each browser offers a configuration process for managing cookies. It is described in your browser’s help menu, which will enable you to express your wishes concerning cookies:

PC or tablet

Internet Explorer™

Open the ‘Tools’ menu, select ‘Internet options’, click on the ‘Privacy’ tab, then the ‘Advanced’ box to choose your preferred level, or use this link


Open the ‘Tools’ menu, select ‘Options’, click on the ‘Privacy’ tab, then choose your preferred options, or use this link


Open the settings menu (three bars logo), select ‘Settings’ and then click on ‘Show advanced settings’; in the ‘Privacy’ section, click on ‘Content settings’ and choose your preferred options, or use the following link


Choose ‘Safari → Preferences’, then click on ‘Security’; in the ‘Allow cookies’ section, choose your preferred options, or use this link


Open the ‘Tools’ or ‘Settings’ menu, then select ‘Delete Private Data’, click on the ‘Detailed Options’ tab, then choose your preferred options, or use this link


To specify whether Safari™ should accept cookies or not :

  1. On the main screen, choose Settings → Safari.
  2. Touch ‘Allow cookies’ and choose ‘Always allow’ ‘from current website’, ‘websites I visit’ or ‘Always block’.

To delete all cookies in Safari :

  1. On the main screen, choose Settings → Safari.
  2. Touch ‘Clear history and website data’

To delete cookies on Android :

  1. Menu → Settings → Clear all cookie data

For any information concerning the protection of personal data, you can consult the website of the Commission Informatique et Liberté : French Information Technology and Civil Liberties Commission
