# 7 People love La Redoute x Elastic
The audience — the quality and quantity of participants — exceeded the expectations: A full room of people interested in La Redoute’s experiences and eager to learn more about the Elastic stack. Among the audience, not only we could find some familiar faces, but several from other cities (Coimbra, Lisboa) and companies.

# 8 In Leiria, we have meetups “à la française”
In Leiria, networking and meetup events are done with style, or one should say “à la française”. The “Auditorium Manuel Artur Santos” in Mercado Sant’Ana, located near the historic centre of the city, provided a welcoming environment for people to gather and to get along.
The meetup was supported by Startup Leiria, which is an entity that helps people to develop their ideas and businesses. Their scope of services is vast focusing on specialized mentoring, network talks, lectures, workshops, networking sessions, bootcamp and team building activities. Also, they provide a support system to foster start-ups and small teams.
The after party took place at Café Santana, also providing an agreeable habitat for networkers.
# 9 What comes after lesson number #8?
On a personal note, I honestly think that the article’s title sounds better as “the 9 lessons learned…” instead of “the 8 lessons learned…” so, my newly acquired writer’s vein and talented abilities think it is OK to add this #9 lesson.
Okay… I will use this one to share a more “insightful” lesson or, as I see it, a major life-principle: an open mind-set that aims to learn and share knowledge with others will for sure make everyone better, both in personal and professional levels. Also, each time, it will remind us that we are not alone in this always-changing IT journey!
Many thanks to everyone that participated and/or supported our event, it was a pleasure to organize and participate as a speaker. Also, a special merci to Antoine, David, João, Tiago and Francisco Aguiar.

We look forward for the next event, maybe something about Kubernetes, qui ça? Stay tuned, and follow the next events in our blog and at Meetup Tice.leiria.