Takeaways from PGConf.EU 2023
PGConf.EU: The event PostgreSQL, often Postgres, is a powerful, open-source object-relational database management system (RDBMS) emphasizing extensibility and standards compliance. It was developed at the University of California, Berkeley, starting…
La Redoute App, our continuous integration journey
Among the many things that we, the app team, had the opportunity to set up, the Continuous integration (CI) for mobile Apps, was one of the most exciting. Let’s face…
What a night! 10 hours of intense ethical hacking at RootedCON
On the night of 10 March 2023, La Redoute fearlessly joined the Live Hacking Event at RootedCON with its Bug Bounty application to challenge ethical hackers and themselves, what the…
How La Redoute integrated Stripe for Payments?
Integrating a new Payment Service Provider (PSP) can be challenging, especially on a legacy system undergoing a transformation. This article will briefly review the choice of a new PSP and…
Test Driven Development in Data Engineering: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Data Engineering plays a crucial role in enabling organizations to harness the power of data for decision-making and insights. Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development approach that has…
Machine Translation for a Global E-Commerce experience on Laredoute.com
Introduction The LaRedoute.com portal is one of the main drivers of international activity for La Redoute and contributes significantly to the brand’s international exposure. The success of LaRedoute.com depends heavily…
How Node Exporter helps to monitor our on-premises systems
What is Node Exporter It’s an open-source Prometheus exporter which collects and exposes hardware and OS metrics like CPU, System Load, RAM, Network Traffic, Disk, etc. It acts as a…
Infrastructure As Code – Packer
This is not an in-depth work on Packer but rather a brief presentation on the what, how, and why Packer may be a good solution to be used on the…
Finding the needle in the Haystack of CLS Core Web Vitals
As a large B2C e-commerce website we take care of several Web performance metrics. First to ensure a good user experience, and secondly to have a good ranking in Search…
GitOps for infrastructure tooling
Introduction Kubernetes deployments are a key point to manage applications and tools in the cluster. We already talk of this in a previous article, for the business application. We choose…